Real-Estate Ads on Social Media That Win More Business

Real-Estate Ads On Social Media That Win More Business

Real-Estate Ads on Social Media That Win More Business

by Chun Lee in Marketing Strategies

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Have you been struggling to get more home buyers or new listings? Worry no more because social media marketing can help you generate genuine leads in more organic ways. In fact, a recent survey by the National Association of Realtors shows that 99% of millennials and 90% of boomers search for homes online and 77% of real estate businesses use social media to market their products. According to the report, 97% of the firms surveyed said they used Facebook and 47% of them stated that social media generates them the highest quality leads.

With such mind-boggling statistics, you can rest assured that investing some time in utilizing social media marketing will pay dividends in the long and short term. Read on to find out the strategies you can employ to gain more real-estate clients.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media marketing, Facebook is a no-brainer and real estate agents continually use the platform to advertise their products. This is because Facebook’s user demographics provide you with the target audience based on age and income.

Besides allowing you to interact with your desired population, Facebook has incorporated features that are ideal for your real estate business. For instance, it lets you book appointments, publish listing-related content and updates, communicate with clients, and curate reviews on one site.

What’s more, Facebook ads allow you to directly target social media users who have shown interest in purchasing property in your locality.

How Real-Estate Agents and/or Real-Estate Companies can Use Social Media Ads to Get More Customers


There are a couple of strategies you can use on social media to get more leads. You can leverage Facebook ads to gain increased visibility. The best thing about Facebook ads is that they give you an opportunity to engage your audience, your connections can comment on and like your ads, allowing you to get feedback from them.

Social Proof

The other approach is sharing testimonials from your happy customers. When other social media users see testimonials from previous clients who’ve had good experiences with you, it gives them confidence that you provide high-quality service and can get the job done. You can always request your happy customers to leave you reviews.


You can also use live videos to showcase your listings. By now you should have realized that home selling is predominantly visual. This means that you can directly interact with your target audience through a live video and enable them to ask you questions in real-time. Remember to take them on a virtual tour of the hottest property you are offering. You can later post the video on your timeline for those who couldn’t watch it live to view.

Examples of Different Types of Real-Estate Social Media Ads

There are a number of real-estate social media ads. For example, a virtual property tour helps interested buyers view the whole house first-hand through a live video on Facebook. You only need to turn on your camera and move from one room to the other explaining their features and functions, like master bedroom, kitchen, study room, etc.

Another ad type is by use of a property photo album. This allows homebuyers to scroll through snapshots of different rooms. All you need to do is to take photos of all rooms and the exterior and then write a beautiful description of the home on offer to accompany the photo album.

Wrapping Up

While you may not have considered social media marketing for your real-estate business before, the potential benefits are worth the effort in investing some time and money into creating and growing new lead generation channels online and engaging with potential clients through social media.

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